Saturday, March 29, 2008


This has a Strawberry cheesecake filling
I don't like heavy frosting so all the cakes I do I make a whip cream frosting.

I love all holidays. I don't decorate for them as much as I use to, but I do cook more for them. Our family s growing with marriage, boy friends and friends. I have always loved to cook but the past five years or so I just seem to love it even more. We had a great Easter with family and friends over for a BBQ. It was a lot of fun and two of my daughters that came helped with the food and then men BBQ the meat. I cook my chicken part way with spices the night before and make my own BBQ sauce. I was going to use a jar sauce but my huband was complaing about the jar sauce I used for his job's BBQ not tasting as good because it did not have my homemade sauce. I would post the recipe for my sauce but I never measure or make it the same way each time.

1 comment:

youssef kabbaj said...

Bonjour,je viens de parcourir votre blog,j'ai beaucoup aimé....Je suis tombée sur votre blog il y a quelques mois (en cherchant, justement, la "vraie" recette Et tous ces plats ,vous en avez des recettes !!!!!!! bonne journée la recette que j'ai ne me satisfait pas ,je suis très preneuse !! merci par avance
j'ais déjà traité un site comme ca
recette creme anglaise
recette patisserie
recette quiche lorraine
recette couscous
Couscous recipe
Recette Thermomix
Recette cookies
Recette crepe
gateau au yaourt

Recette moelleux au chocolat

Dessert rapide

Recette tiramisu
Recette paella
Recette punch
Recette pancakes

healthy dessert

Recette crumble
Je viens de tester ta recette, elle est parfaite. Je vais bientôt la publier sur mon blog !! :) Merci pour cette super recette.