Sunday, December 21, 2008

Fried Ice Cream

So here is the Fried Ice Cream Jake wanted instead of a cake for his 13th birthday. We ended up having it Sunday after our Roast Beef dinner.

Monday we are going to head over the hill into San Jose to go Christmas in the Park. Hey maybe I will find some good food to take pictures of. ;o) I have a Flickr account where I will post all my pictures. Com on by and check out my Christmas in the Park pictures, I will upload them when we get home on December 22 so if you come by after the 22nd there is a good chance they will be pages into the account, I take tons of pictures. I will have them in a folder on the right hand side so they will e easy to find.

I should be back before but if not

Merry CHRISTmas everyone!!

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